Lead the HPC Advisory Committee for the Augie cluster at Villanova University
Mailing list for ACCRE general staff
OSG Metrics
Associated with potential OSG site at the University of Minnesota consisting of CSE, SPA, and PGC
(no profile)
(no profile)
I manage the Beocat Cluster at Kansas State University. A computing resource soon to be available to the OSG.
(no profile)
OSG Security Team member
I am one of the CMS T2 site admins at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin.
Member of DOSAR.
Senior Scientist in the neutrino division at Fermilab, working on the DUNE project
CMS physicist and High Performance Computing Center Senior Director at Texas Tech. We run a modest T3 here in support of the CMS program and have been participants in OSG since the beginning of the project, as well as various related testbed projects. We also support the DREAM virtual organization.
If you are curious for more information, my other roles are summarized at the link below:
professor in the Physics Department at CINVESTAV member of the CMS collaboration.
Systems Administrator at WIPAC
OSG Storage group, software integration for bestman related issues.
ESGF RA and Grid Admin.
LIGO Admin at Penn State University
Secondary site contact at Lehigh University
This is generic service account which will be used to collect downtime and protected site information (email contacts) from MyOSG service by ATLAS Grid Information System
I am coordinating the computing in the US for the T2K experiment. I can confirm grid certificate requests for T2K collaborators in the US.
Dear OSG/US ATLAS Admins
I am the primary technical contact for all of SMU OSG/ATLAS/NOvA resources here locally. Please contact me for any questions or concerns regarding these resources.
Contact for the FNAL HPC Wilson Facility
Contact alias for AMNH personnel responsible for OSG administration
Site Admin Georgia Institute of Technology LIGO Cluster
Providing Grid support for CMS.
Scientific Compute Research Assistant at Caltech. CMS Tier2 computing project.
Admin Virgo Universite catholique de Louvain
Scientist at Fermi National Accelerator Lab studying the properties of neutrinos and neutrino oscillations with the NOvA experiment
(no profile)
System Administrator at SIUE
One of the sysadmins of the FIT T3 cluster.
(no profile)
(no profile)
CMS helping manage UMD T3 system
(no profile)
(no profile)
Academia Sinica Grid-computing Centre Ops and Security List
I'm the person responsible for the NYU ATLAS group's Tier3 cluster. I
I'm a systems administrator for USATLAS Northeast Tier2 site.
(no profile)
Research Facilitator at Rutgers
MIT OS Pool AP contact
Working for Rob Gardner's group at UChicago
Graduate student at no Berkeley in Gabriel Orebi Gann's group working on SNO+ and Watchman.
USCMS Tier 3 Site Administrator
PhEDEx Administrator
PhD: Physics, 1995
Mailing list for BNL ATLAS Tier 1 support
Mailing list for BNL Belle II Tier 1 support
(no profile)
I am a physicist in the Fermilab scientific computing division working on CMS and a member of OSG Staff
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I am a researcher on the Project 8 neutrino mass experiment.
CU Boulder Research Computing Cloud Systems Engineer
Staff research physicist for Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
Admin at The Ohio State University
(no profile)
(no profile)
(no profile)
Carl Edquist -- part of the OSG Software team at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Administrator for Nebraska's USCMS Tier-2
Sysadmin for HEP computing cluster at University of Wisconsin-Madison, which provides computing resources to OSG.
Sysadmin for HEP computing cluster at University of Wisconsin-Madison, which provides computing resources to OSG.
PIC Virgo Admin
CBPF GridLAFEX Support mailing list
(no profile)
LIGO Admin at Penn State University
Administrator at the University of Minnesota's School of Physics and Astronomy
(no profile)
Iowa State IT staff
I am a member of CMS-T1 at FNAL.
Site Contact at University of Utah
Research Computing Facilitator at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tier 2 Site Administrator
(no profile)
NSF 2019 CC* Grantee System Administrator
(no profile)
Postdoc at UC, Berkeley.
I am the SysAdmin of University of Johannesburg's cluster. Currently I am working at CERN for ATLAS as one of the SysAdmins for TDAQ
Computing Coordinator for the sPHENIX experiment.
GridAdmin for cmssw.princeton.edu which is a T3 for the VO CMS
System administrator working for Villanova University's UNIT (CC*)
Developer for the SLATE project at UChicago
Site administrator of T2_TW_NCHC for CMS interested in supporting other VOs via OSG
Cyberinfrastructure and Research Technologies mailing list at UC Merced
Hosted CE operations group
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(no profile)
SuperCDMS and BaBar computing, physicist.
Admin at OzSTAR supercomputer, Swinburne University
I'm the High Performance Computing Systems Administrator at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Director of Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI) at Clemson
OpenStack cluster administrator at University of Colorado Research Computing
I am a physicist, a member of ATLAS, and the administrator of the Brandeis Tier 3.
Mailing list for University of Colorado Boulder Research Computing Operations Team
(no profile)
LIGO-Hanford (LIGO-WA) site administrator
Site Contact at Texas Advanced Computing Center
Director of the North Dakota State University Center for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology
(no profile)
I'm a Research Computing Associate with Harvard's High Performance Research Computing department. I help maintain the ATLAS resources at our site.
SIUE Site Administrator
(no profile)
Postdoc at Columbia University working on high energy astrophysics.
Member of CMS, member of the USCMS certificate team for Cornell University, partially responsible for NYSGRID_CORNELL_NYS1 and the CMS services on T3_US_Cornell.
(no profile)
University of California San Diego - San Diego Supercomputer Center - RDS
Service Desk Manager - Fermilab Service Desk
I am a Network Architect at Fermi National Accelertor Laboratory, and have been in the networking field since the mid-1970's. My primary activities involve network design, implementation and operations, and I spend much of my time with monitoring and measurement systems such as PerfSONAR, Orion, Nagios, and MRTG. I developed an in-house system we call NodeLocator, which tracks the physical connections of hosts, and provides links to associated MRTG graphs.
FNAL USCMS Tier 1 Manager
(no profile)
CMS T3 admin at Brown University
Computer Scientist supporting the Belle 2 collaboration at PNNL. RA for US/Belle.
I am an Assistant Professor of Physics at Kennesaw State University and would like to use the OSG to do work with the Belle experiment
Tier 2 admin at University of Chicago
I am a physicist working on the MAST and JET fusion projects at Culham Science Centre in the UK.
(no profile)
OSG Operations team member at UChicago
I help facilitate SURAgrid's involvement in OSG and am a member of the SURAgrid Governance Committee. I am the OSG liaison in the SURAgrid VO for the University of Georgia.
Maintain T3 at UCLA for CMS research
I run our Tier-3 computing farm at the University of Mississippi and I am again trying renew my certificate.
I direct the Holland Computing Center at the University of Nebraska, and manage the HCC VO.
(no profile)
Site Contact at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
(no profile)
I am convener of the DOSAR VO and contact for Louisiana Tech grid group.
National Coordinator for GridColombia NGI,
Technical Support for Community,
Administrator for VO GCVO and GCEDU
Administrator for Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Site
CMS HPC contact at Fermilab
(no profile)
Dorian Kcira
Research Scientist
California Institute of Technology
ATLAS Member from Argonne National Laboratory
Systems staff at the Ohio Supercomputer Center. Will be supporting the SuperB collaboration through OSG.
(no profile)
I am one of the site administrators T2_BR_UERJ at UERJ (State University at Rio de Janeiro).
I am administrador of ALICE SAMPA site
NSF 2019 CC* Grantee
DTEAM VO support mailing list
(no profile)
LIGO Computing and Software group co-chair and research fellow at Cardiff
LIGO Computing and Software group co-chair and research fellow at Cardiff
DUNE TIFR CE admin mailing list
Bellarmine Atlas Tier3 System Manager
GlideinWMS Factory Operator based out of CERN
Site admin at UERJ
(no profile)
(no profile)
(no profile)
CHTC Infrastructure Services student, working on SOFTWARE-5347
Vanderbilt site administrator
Site Contact at Louisiana State University
Syracuse Chief Technology Officer
Director of Rice University's Center for Research Computing
DUNE experiment senior researcher
Grid Infrastructure Administrator in LIT JINR
OSG Staff
UCSD admin
I am part of the grid computing operations team (GCO) at FNAL.
Fermilab cybersecurity mailing list for non-urgent security info or questions
Fermilab mailing list for security incidents
glast.org VO manager
OSG Executive Director
(no profile)
I am a member of the ATLAS collaboration.
(no profile)
OSG User Support team and Project Management
PyCBC developer with LIGO at the University of Santiago de Compostela
System administrator for T2_US_Nebraska resources at the Holland Computing Center in Lincoln, NE.
System administrator for T2_US_Nebraska resources at the Holland Computing Center in Lincoln, NE.
I am setting up the OSG systems at PNNL located in Richland, Washington.
(no profile)
CMS T3 admin at Brown University
I am Geonmo Ryu at KISTI, Korea.
I operate our CMS Tier3 center.
Experimental particle physicist. Northeastern University faculty.
Secondary contact to New York University's Tier-3 resource.
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(no profile)
I need certificates to run TRANSP remotely
IceCube Computing facilities manager
manage computing operations at University of Minnesota Physics
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JLab Cyber Security Contact
NCSA OS Pool AP contact
(no profile)
LIGO-WA site administrator, senior scientist with the LIGO Project at LIGO Hanford Observatory (run by the California Institute of Technology)
Grigoriy Abramov - HPC System Administrator at IIT Research Data Center.
Nevis Tier-3
One of my jobs is to support CDF experiment which is using OSG grid middleware. My team has been newly involved in this area and I have not much experience on OSG. In order to support CDF more stably, I would like to have an opportunity to attend the school. Having an admission will contribute to my career as system administrator for OSG middleware and improving my technical skills to provide more stable service for OSG users.
Graduate student from University of Texas at Dallas, and will be a admin contact UTD-HEP
I am a postdoc in CSU Fresno working in ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Harvard FAS Research Computing Security Team
Admin of university site
ICTS-TIFR LIGO cluster site admin
(no profile)
I am working on TRANSP simulations for EAST discharges.
(no profile)
Security team mailing list for the NSF CC* Regional HORUS project
I'm a system administrator at the High Performance Computing Center of Texas Tech University, My work involves building and maintaining our local OSG site TTU-Antaeus.
Director, University of Puerto Rico's High Performance Computing facility. Bioinformatician, interested in gene expression and gene regulation networks.
FermiCloud and Gratia in Fermilab
LSST Lead Systems Administrator for the LSST Project Office
I am the Deputy Director for Computing for the Simons Center for Data Analysis, and trying to enable a small VO to work on the OSG
Developer of LIGO/Virgo analysis code and a member of the LIGO collaboration
Admin at CyVerse
I'm one of the technical contacts that will be helping to keep OSG jobs running on CancerComputer infrastructure
Admin for the ATLAS experiment at Midwest Tier 2
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) RDC Support List
(no profile)
Grid Admin Mailing List for IN2P3
Security Mailing List for IN2P3
Information Security mailing list at UC Merced
LBL System Administrator
Sysadmin for the Notre Dame CMS T3
I work for the University of Utah in the Center for High Performance Computing. I will lead the push to enable OSG on our systems (replacing Guy Adams who has taken another position outside the University of Utah).
Part time SLATE student employee under Joe Breen
(no profile)
Systems Administrator with University of Colorado-Boulder
Jackson State University IT
Hi I'm a sys admin for T2_BR_SPRACE
Administrator for the Bonner Lab cluster at Rice University and a postdoc working on CMS.
Serving as RA for SURAGrid at LSU.
I am a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, working on searches and interpretation of transient gravitational wave signals whose signal morrphology is, essentially, unknown.
(no profile)
Professor: U. of Pittsburgh
ATLAS member
Computational Systems Group at NERSC
Cloud Solutions architect at the Center for Advanced Research Computing at the University of Southern California
Cloud Solutions architect at the Center for Advanced Research Computing at the University of Southern California
I am the primary systems manager for Baylor University OSG site resources.
Level 2 manager for CMS Computing in the area of Submission Infrastructure.
Level 2 manager in the U.S. CMS Software and Computing Project for University Facilities (Tier-2 and Tier-3 sites).
Senior Information Security Analyst Lehigh University
Professor, Director of the Center for Computational Mathematics University of Colorado Denver
I am a staff scientist at PNNL working on Belle, Belle-II and ILC
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(no profile)
Hello, my name is Jay. I am a ITD Customer Support team lead over at the Brookhaven National Lab in Upton New York.
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Responsible for ATLAS Tier-3 computing at UC Santa Cruz
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Site Contact at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Project manager for US computing activities of the ALICE experiment at the LHC
I work at UCSD as the OSG Glidein Factory Operations team lead. I am also a software developer for the UCSD High Energy Physics group.
I work at UCSD as the OSG Glidein Factory Operations team lead. I am also a software developer for the UCSD High Energy Physics group.
CHTC Administrator (UW Madison)
I'm Jeny Teheran, member of OSG Security Team at FNAL.
(no profile)
I am an associate at the BIS Support Desk at ANL.
I am the Software and Computing Leader for the Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (STAR) experiment and VO and the STAR/VO representative on the OSG.
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(no profile)
I am the VO auger manager.
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user,resource provider
Site admin for Colorado University
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System Administrator T3_US_Rutgers
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Internet2 and OSG collaborate on Stashcache deployment and usage
I am a BNL site administrator, a VO admin for ATLAS, and will be assisting with other VOs with representation at BNL (DUNE, STAR, Phenix, etc).
(no profile)
systems administrator with the research computing group at the Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Hi! I manage the OSG Certificate Services for Argonne National Laboratory.
Site Contact at Arizona State University
HPC System Administrator
Scientist, Spokesperson of EMPH
Caltech CMS Tier2 admin
Physics Faculty at FIU
OSG coordinator of International Outreach.
Co-developer of the AutoPyFactory pilot submission system. Developer of the PanDA wrapper.
OASIS project coordinator and software coordinator.
Site Contact at University of South Florida
I am the principal investigator for the UT Dallas HEP group. I am the physics lead for the UTD ATLAS Tier3g site. I work with our sys admin, Don Moore.
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LIGO-Caltech (LIGO-CIT) site administrator
(no profile)
Member of CMS Experiment and responsable of out Tier3 cluster (uprm-cms). In cms registered as T3_US_PuertoRico
Fall 2020 CHTC student hire working for the OSG Software Team
I am one of remote T2_US_Caltech site admins
I am a Sr. Systems Administrator at SBGrid
site contact for OSU CMS tier-3 computing center
Systems Engineer, LBNL. ALICE grid admin.
CSE at LBL acting as GridAdmin for lbl.gov
Site admin for Colorado University
Academic & Research IT Support Engineer Lead for ISYE
(no profile)
(no profile)
I work on the Baylor University OSG Site used as the CMS experiment tier3.
(no profile)
Fermilab SCD
Analyst and software developer for ALICE Experiment with experience in supercomputing.
(no profile)
I'm a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Notre Dame working in computing tasks.
Vanderbilt Tier2 SiteAdmin
Co-coordinator of U.S. CMS University Facilities focusing on Tier-3 Sites.
Sysadmin for the PNNL Belle 2 project.
Gratia developer at Fermilab
Site admin for Colorado University
Developer on CorralWMS/glideinWMS
Site executive for the Northwestern University CMS Tier-3
I'm Kurt Strosahl. I administer an OSG submit host at the Thomas Jefferson National Labratory.
OSG Staff
System administrator for Beocat, the HPC cluster at Kansas State University, and a technical contact for GP-ARGO through the Great Plains Network. https://support.beocat.ksu.edu/ and https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2018766&HistoricalAwards=false
(no profile)
I am the Cyberinfrastucture Engineer for Syracuse University. I help connect research groups with computing resources.
Admin of htconor-ce cluster for IGWN service on ASGC
(no profile)
I am a Research Computing Facilitator at the Center for High Throughput Computing and have worked with members of the Open Science Grid since I started 4+ years ago. I also co-organize the OSG User School with Tim Cartwright.
Hello, I am a OSG Registration Authority for Argonne National Laboratory.
Member of the Belle and Belle II Collaborations; co-spokesperson of Belle.
CMS-HI grad student
I am the PDSF USG Consultant at NERSC.
(no profile)
Senior researcher in LPNHE laboratory, belonging to CNRS/IN2P3 institute. Member of XENON Collaboration.
INFN-T1 site administrator
I'm the VO manager of the vo.cta.in2p3.fr EGI VO.
The eventual future usage of OSG ressources for the vo.cta.in2p3.fr VO has been discussed with US CTA collaborators and with Ruth Pordes. So, in order to start the process to make OSG ressources available to the vo.cta.in2p3.fr VO, I'd need to register myself and the vo.cta.in2p3.fr VO in the OSG Grid Operations Center.
(no profile)
ALICE deputy VO manager
I am CMS T2 site admin at Purdue University.
POC for the PNNL Grid Site.
T2_BR_SPRACE sysadmin
I'm a GlideinWMS developer at Fermilab
(no profile)
CERN/OSG Factory Operations
I am in charge of installing OSDF origin for the KAGRA collaboration in the context of LVK collaboration (GW community)
I am in charge of installing OSDF origin for the KAGRA collaboration in the context of LVK collaboration (GW community)
I am operations manager of the EU co-funded WeNMR project (www.wenmr.eu), which is managing the enmr.eu VO for the benefit of bio-NMR community. Among the objectives of the project is to extend both users and resources basis by inter-operating with other grids worldwide.
Service Desk
CMS VO Manager
Consulting System Administrator of University of Maryland CMS Tier3 computing cluster.
WLCG Network and Transfer Metrics WG coordinator
TRANSP developer at PPPL/Princeton University
GlueX OASIS Manager
I am the TRANSP/FusionGrid support contact for DIII-D.
(no profile)
(no profile)
Hacking fusion for MIT
SDSC system administorat
NIKHEF Site admin
Site Contact at New Mexico State University
(no profile)
ANL Support Services
OSG Software Team
I am a programmer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and I am the Technical Lead for the OSG Software Team.
I am a programmer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and I am the Technical Lead for the OSG Software Team.
CLAS12 VO Admin
(no profile)
Research facilitation lead for the PACE team, which is managing OSG resources for Georgia Tech.
Network Admin
Syracuse IT analyst
I will be an administrator for the T3 here at OSU.
(no profile)
User and Dzero VO Admin
Indiana University - Information Library Sciences
I'm an ATLAS physicist working with local site admins in Berkeley to debug/improve our connectivity to various grid services.
VO manager of glast.org, the virtual organization of the FERMI/LAT collaboration, which operates the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board of the Fermi Gammay-Ray Space Telescope.
Approver of certificates for Argonne
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(no profile)
(no profile)
Wayne State University Associate Directror and HPC site admin. Site Contact at Wayne State University
I am a member of SBGrid at Harvard Medical School
Villanova (CC*) UNIT administrator
(no profile)
NSF 2019 CC* Grantee System Administrator
Old Dominion University HPC engineer
(no profile)
(no profile)
DevOps Engineer for the SLATE projectvokac
Systems Administrator at SIUE
(no profile)
Director of Scientific Computing, Physical Sciences Univ California Irvine
(no profile)
Member of South Pole Telescope collaboration.
Contact for Niels Bohr Institute grid support
Contact for Niels Bohr Institute security issues
Mailing list for the NERSC Infrastructure Services Group
Mailing list for NERSC Security
North Dakota State University site administrator
(no profile)
grid admin at fermilab
Primary HPC administrator at New Mexico State University
Admin for T2_US_Purdue CMS site
Nikhef grid system administrators
Nikhef security team
I'mm a contact person for NOvA-dedicated grid-site at JINR
MARS code development and support
Managing DES VO. Developing and running DES pixel level simulations.
CMS VO manager
(no profile)
I am a robot for automating Topology PRs from webforms.
Robot account for holding authorized host cert DNs
An automator for security announcements from the OSG Security Team.
This is the mailing list for discussing the OSG Software Stack.
(no profile)
Site Contact at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
OSG Collaboration Support Area Coordinator
Systems Administrator at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Systems Administrator at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
(no profile)
(no profile)
Argonne Physicist working primarily with experiments at Fermilab and JLab
I am taking on the shared responsibilities of administration of the Georgia Tech OSG and LIGO systems.
(no profile)
(no profile)
Penn ATLAS Tier 3 Admin
System administrator at Université catholique de Louvain
GridPP PI at University of Edinburgh
I am the LIGO Data Analysis Computing Manager and would like to explore areas for fruitful LIGO/OSG collaboration and prototype working solutions.
ALICE T2 Site Administrator
(no profile)
I am a Structural Biologist at the Sliz Lab (and SBGrid Consortium) at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
* member of DZero collaboration (offsite MC production, local cluster administrator)
* administrator of NOvA OSG site at FZU (Institute of Physics ASCR, Czech Republic, Prague)
Admin for AGLT2 at Michigan State University
System Administrator T3_US_Rutgers
(no profile)
(no profile)
US Atlas Tier3 System Manager
I am the OSG admin at Clemson University
Administrator for GridUNESP CEs
T2_BR_UERJ site admin for CMS
Member of Syracuse University's Research Computing team, which operates a multi-purpose scientific research grid on campus.
IFAE PIC Virgo admin
System Administrator for the Texas A&M Brazos cluster
Indiana University Gateway Administrator https://eht.scigap.org/
US CMS T3 Liaison
DUNE T2 sys admin at University of Edinburgh
(no profile)
(no profile)
(no profile)
(no profile)
Indiana University Gateway Administrator https://eht.scigap.org/
(no profile)
(no profile)
LIGO Admin at Penn State University
Taking over ORNL RA duties for Tom Barron
Systems Support Engineer for Georgia Institute of Technology
(no profile)
(no profile)
I am the primary System Administrator for the T3_US_FIT site.
CMS T3 admin at Brown University
US Atlas Tier 3 admin at Susquehanna University
RA agent for JLab and GlueX VOs. Scientific Computing Operations Manager at Jefferson Lab.
My name is Sangwook Bae from KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Informations).
I’m new member of administrator(Korea CMS).
Admin at CyVerse.
(no profile)
(no profile)
SBGrid HPC mailing list
(no profile)
Assistant Professor, Hadronic Nuclear Physics Group, FSU. Focus on hadronic spectroscopy and nucleon structure, currently with the GlueX experiment.
Assistant Professor, Hadronic Nuclear Physics Group, FSU. Focus on hadronic spectroscopy and nucleon structure, currently with the GlueX experiment.
Site admin at Georgia Tech
Managing CDF computing farm and recently building CMS
I am a researcher of KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information). My main role is to operate cluster systems at KISTI for CDF and SAM running over OSG.
T3 system manager (NIU ATLAS group)
Member of the ATLAS TDAQ System Administration Team, based at CERN
System Administrator for the Research Cluster of University of Johannesburg
(no profile)
Admin for Wayne State University
Research Professor and administrator UMD Tier3
Caltech LIGO - Profiling, workflow experimentation, systems support
System Administrator at CGCA UW-Milwaukee
ATLAS Great Lakes Tier-2 Director. Senior Research Scientist in the Physics Department at the University of Michigan.
CMS-HI postdoc
US ATLAS Security Contact
I'm an Applications Developer and System Analyst at Fermilab.
(no profile)
SIUE Site Admin List
SLATE developer at University of Michigan
(no profile)
ICTS site administrator
IT manager at Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Admin at The Ohio State University
I am part of the CMS T2 team at Purdue University
ALICE Offline Computing team, VIRGO Computing and Data Processing coordinator
CMS Computing Level2 Coordinator
(no profile)
U.S. representative for INFN SuperB computing.
(no profile)
I am the systems administrator for Research Computing at Lehigh University.
(no profile)
I am the sysadmin for the Brazos/Hurr (CMS + SURAgrid) and Calclab (SURAgrid) clusters at Texas A&M.
I am a group member of the Grid and Cloud Operations group in the Experimental Computing Facilities group at Fermilab.
We manage most grid-enabled computing at Fermilab. I am also a member of the DUNE experiment and have
lead responsibility for the DUNE VO. I also do FermiCloud operations, which is widely used by the OSG Software team.
(no profile)
(no profile)
(no profile)
(no profile)
Site Contact at New Mexico State University
Research Manager for LIGO (https://labcit.ligo.caltech.edu/~anderson/)
Backup contact for the FNAL HPC Wilson Facility
(no profile)
Site Contact at Georgia State University
I am currently the Interim Administrator of the FIU_HPCOSG_CE.
I am a Senior Systems Administrator for the FIU HPC Center - IRCC and the Enterprise Systems Group under the Divison of IT at Florida International University.
(no profile)
I am a member of VDT Software team responsible for storage related software.
CMS Tier-2 Admin. Site: T2_US_Wisconsin
Hi. I am a member of the NERSC Networking & Security Group, working as a Network Analyst.
I am a sysadmin for the Brazos clusters at Texas A&M.
Administrator for CMS Tier3 at UC Davis.
UCSD CMS T2 Site Administrator and long time OSG member
Staff Scientist in Scientific Computing JLab
System administrator for the LIGO Collaboration at the University of WIsconsin-Milwaukee. I provide support for a number of LIGO services that would potentially benefit from OSG CA certificates and increased use of OSG tools.
physicist affiliated with Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the LSST projects
(no profile)
VO Manager for LBNE at Fermilab. Physics Tools Coordinator
OSG Software and Education Coordinator
(no profile)
(no profile)
User/admin Nevis/Columbia site.
CHTC sysadmin
Site contact at TACC
(no profile)
(no profile)
Georgia Tech Admin
(no profile)
CMS VO manager
(no profile)
Mailing list for security at the University of Montana
Mailing list for UW-Eau Claire
Mailing list for Villanova CC* site
VO manager for LArSoft
IceCube admin
(no profile)
I am an assistant professor at Rice University. I used to be the Tier-2 grid center admin at MIT for the CMS experiment at CERN. Now, I work on the CMS Tier-3 grid center at Rice University.
(no profile)
(no profile)
University of Michigan AGLT2 site administrator
Hi there, I'm the Manager of Research Computing at the Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education (ACCRE), which is a high-performance computing center at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, USA.
Unix System Administrator @ UAB University of Alabama Birmingham
University of California - SDSC HPC Systems Engineer
I work in the BNL USATLAS Tier1 facility and USATLAS support center, be responsible for the BNL OSG CE and relevant services, also participate in the OSG ITB testing and documentation.
I am the OSG admin at Clemson.
Need new certificate for old one got corrupted and need to renew my RA Agent duties.
Storage specialist at Fermilab.
(no profile)
(no profile)
This is Zhenping (Jane) Liu from RACF group at BNL. I am a site admin for USATLAS dCache and Belle2 dCache here at BNL.
UW-Madison Student working on OSG Software tasks (May 2019 - August 2019)
OSG Staff
Cloud Computing Software Developer for the Chameleon Cloud project