This page lists organizations that are currently used in OSG projects registered in Topology.
If there is a standard project name prefix used for project belonging to that organization,
that prefix is also shown.
Organization | Project Prefix |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine | |
Allen Independent School District | AllenISD |
American Museum of Natural History | AMNH |
Arcadia University | Arcadia |
Argonne National Lab | |
Argonne National Laboratory | |
Arizona State University | ASU |
Auburn University | |
Austin Peay State University | |
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute | BAERI |
Baylor College of Medicine | |
Baylor University | |
Boise State University | |
Boston Children's Hospital | BCH |
Boston College | BC |
Boston University | BU |
Brandeis University | |
Brigham Young University Idaho | BYUI |
Brigham and Women's Hospital | |
Broad Institute | |
Brookhaven National Laboratory | BNL |
Brown University | |
Bryn Mawr College | |
Bucknell University | |
CDMS | |
CERN | |
CUNY Brooklyn College | |
California Institute of Technology | Caltech |
California State University, Northridge | CSUN |
California State University, San Bernadino | CSUSB |
Caltech | |
Canisius College | |
Carnegie Mellon University | |
Carnegie-Mellon University | |
Case Western Reserve University | |
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center | CedarsSinai |
Centre College | |
Chicago State University | |
Christopher Newport University | |
Clarkson University | Clarkson |
Clemson University | |
Coe College | Coe |
College of Charleston | |
Colorado School of Mines | Mines |
Colorado State University | |
Columbia University | |
Cornell University | |
Creighton University | Creighton |
DUNE | |
Darkside | |
Dartmouth College | |
Dearborn Center for Math, Science, and Technology | Dearborn |
Doane University | |
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center | |
Drexel University | |
Duke University | |
Duquesne University | |
ETH Zurich | |
Elizabethtown College | |
Emory University | Emory |
Eureka Scientific, Inc. | |
Facility for Rare Isotopes Beams (FRIB) | |
Fairfield | |
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | |
Fermilab | |
Florida Institute of Technology | |
Florida International University | |
Florida State University | |
Folding@Home Consortium (FAHC) | |
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College | FDLTCC |
Fresno State University | |
George Washington University | GWU |
Georgia Institute of Technology | GATech |
Georgia State University | |
Great Plains Network | |
Hamilton College | |
Hampton University | |
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology | |
Harvard Medical School | |
Harvard University | |
Harvey Mudd College | |
Hobart and William Smith Colleges | |
Howard University | |
ISI | |
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | |
Illinois Institute of Technology | |
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology | |
Indiana University | |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | |
Institute for Protein Innovation | |
International Center for Theoretical Physics | |
International Gravitational-Wave Observatory Network (IGWN) | |
Internet2 | Internet2 |
Iolani School | |
Iowa State University | IAState |
Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine | JacksonLab |
Jackson State University | |
Jefferson Lab | |
Johns Hopkins University | |
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab | |
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | |
Kansas State University | KSU |
Kennesaw State University | Kennesaw |
Kent State University | KentState |
LSU School of Public Health | |
Lancaster University | |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |
Lawrence Technological University | |
Lehigh University | |
Lonestar Education and Research Network | |
Los Alamos National Lab | |
Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts | LSMSA |
Louisiana State University | LSU |
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center | LSUHSC |
Louisiana Tech University | |
Loyola University Chicago | LoyolaChicago |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MIT |
Meharry Medical College | MMC |
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | MSKCC |
Miami University | MiamiOH |
Michigan State University | |
Michigan Technological University | MTU |
Mississippi State University | |
Missouri University of Science and Technology | |
Montana State University | MSU |
Montgomery College | |
NOIR Lab | |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | |
National Center for Atmospheric Research | |
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) | |
National Institute for Computational Sciences | |
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | |
National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA |
National Radio Astronomy Observatory | |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory | |
National Research Council of Canada | |
Nevada System of Higher Education | NSHE |
New Jersey Institute of Technology | NJIT |
New Mexico State University | NMSU |
New York City Department of Social Services | |
New York University | |
Nicholls State University | NichollsState |
North Carolina State University | NCSU |
North Dakota State University | |
Northeastern University | Northeastern |
Northern Illinois University | |
Northwest Missouri State University | |
Northwestern Medicine | NorthwesternMed |
Northwestern University | |
OSG | |
Ohio State University | |
Oklahoma State University | |
Oklahoma University | |
Open Science Grid | |
Oregon Health & Science University | OHSU |
Oregon State University | |
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | |
Pacific Research Platform | |
Pacific Rim Application and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) | |
Pennsylvania State University | PSU |
Planetary Science Institute | PSI |
Portland State University | PortlandState |
Princeton University | |
Purdue University | |
Purdue University Calumet | |
Purdue University Fort Wayne | PFW |
Purdue University West Lafayette | |
Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | |
Renaissance Computing Institute | |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | RPI |
Repertoire Immune Medicines | Repertoire |
Rice University | |
Rochester Institute of Technology | |
Rockefeller University | |
Roswell Park Cancer Institute | |
Rowan University | Rowan |
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | |
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | |
SUNY Upstate Medical University | SUNYUpstateMed |
Saint Louis University | |
Salem State University | SalemState |
San Diego State University | SDSU |
San Jose State University | |
Sandia National Laboratories | |
Santa Clara University | |
SeaQuest | |
Seattle University | |
Siena College | |
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology | |
South Dakota State University | |
Southern Illinois University | |
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE |
Southern Methodist University | |
Southwest Oklahoma State University | SWOSU |
Space Telescope Science Institute | |
Spelman College | |
Stanford University | |
State University of New York College at Geneseo | |
State University of New York at Albany | |
State University of New York at Binghamton | |
State University of New York at Buffalo | |
State University of New York at Stony Brook | SBU |
Steadman Philippon Research Institute | |
Swarthmore College | |
Syracuse University | Syracuse |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | |
Teachers College Columbia University | |
Tennessee Tech University | TNTech |
Texas A&M San Antonio | |
Texas A&M University | TexasAM |
Texas A&M University-Central Texas | TAMUCT |
Texas A&M University-Kingsville | |
Texas Tech University | |
The Citadel | |
The College of New Jersey | |
The Graduate Center, CUNY | |
The Ohio State University | OSU |
The Pennsylvania State University | |
The University of Alabama at Birmingham | |
The University of Chicago | |
The University of Kansas | |
The University of Texas at San Antonio | |
Towson University | |
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago | |
Tufts University | |
UNC Chapel Hill | |
USDA Agricultural Research Service | |
UT Southwestern | |
United States Department of Agriculture | USDA |
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus (UPRRP) | |
University of Alabama | |
University of Alaska Fairbanks | |
University of Albany | |
University of Arizona | |
University of Arkansas | Arkansas |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock | UALR |
University of California Santa Cruz | |
University of California, Berkeley | UCBerkeley |
University of California, Davis | |
University of California, Irvine | UCI |
University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA |
University of California, Merced | UCMerced |
University of California, Riverside | UCR |
University of California, San Diego | UCSD |
University of California, San Francisco | |
University of California, Santa Barbara | |
University of California, Santa Cruz | |
University of Central Florida | UCF |
University of Chicago | |
University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati |
University of Colorado | |
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | CUAnschutz |
University of Colorado Boulder | CUBoulder |
University of Colorado Denver | UCDenver |
University of Connecticut | UConn |
University of Connecticut Health Center | UCHC |
University of Delaware | |
University of Edinburgh | UEdinburgh |
University of Florida | |
University of Guam | Guam |
University of Hawaii | |
University of Hawaii at Manoa | UHManoa |
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | |
University of Illinois | |
University of Illinois Chicago | |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Illinois |
University of Iowa | |
University of Kentucky | |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette | |
University of Louisville | |
University of Macau | |
University of Maine | UMaine |
University of Maryland | |
University of Maryland Baltimore | |
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science | UMCES |
University of Maryland, Baltimore | |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County | |
University of Massachusetts | |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | |
University of Massachusetts Boston | |
University of Massachusetts Lowell | |
University of Michigan | Michigan |
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor | |
University of Minnesota | |
University of Minnesota Duluth | |
University of Mississipi | |
University of Mississippi | UMiss |
University of Missouri | Mizzou |
University of Missouri-Columbia | |
University of Montana | |
University of Nebraska | |
University of Nebraska - Lincoln | UNL |
University of Nebraska Medical Center | |
University of Nebraska Omaha | |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | |
University of Nevada, Reno | |
University of New England | |
University of New Haven | |
University of New Mexico | |
University of North Carolina Wilmington | |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte | |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | |
University of North Dakota | |
University of Northern Iowa | |
University of Notre Dame | |
University of Oklahoma | |
University of Oregon | |
University of Oxford | |
University of Pennsylvania | |
University of Pittsburgh | Pitt |
University of Puerto Rico | |
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez | |
University of Rochester | Rochester |
University of Sheffield | USheffield |
University of South Carolina | |
University of South Dakota | USD |
University of South Florida | |
University of Southern California | |
University of Tennessee | |
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | |
University of Tennessee, Knoxville | |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | UTSouthwestern |
University of Texas at Arlington | |
University of Texas at Austin | |
University of Texas at Dallas | |
University of Texas at El Paso | UTEP |
University of Toledo | |
University of Tulsa | UTulsa |
University of Utah | |
University of Venda | Venda |
University of Vermont | |
University of Virginia | |
University of Washington | UW |
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse | |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | UWMadison |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | |
University of Wyoming | |
Utah State University | |
Utrecht University | |
Vanderbilt University | |
Villanova University | |
Virginia Tech University | |
Washington State University | |
Washington University in St. Louis | WashU |
Wayne State University | WayneStateU |
Webster University | |
Wesleyan University | |
West Chester University of Pennsylvania | WCUPA |
Western Washington University | |
Wichita State University | |
William & Mary | |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | |
Wright State Research Institute | |
Yale University | Yale |
Youngstown State University | |